Saturday, March 15, 2008

Hawks with Lynches & Strollers

Trouble.....need I say more?!

Anne and I took quite the leisurely stroll to the cafe, taqueria & drug store. It was quite a display of bumper car strollers.

Why to the cafe: What else does a parent of 2 or 3 young children need? Caffeine!

Why to the taqueria: What else does a parent of 2 or 3 need aside from someone else making lunch?

2 Lynches & a Hawk at the taqueria.

Why to Rite Aid: To pick up 1 container of baby food for NJ. That was the plan.

Note to any parents with toddlers: do not bring 3 girls in a HUGE need of a nap into Rite Aid. You will end up with a 10 years supply of Disney themed chapstick and play phones that are "broken".

2 hours & .10 miles later, through unexpected showers, we arrived home.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

hawks with mullets

Gracie is sporting a great mullet right now. I guess she was admiring some photos of Uncle Scott from a couple years ago and thought, why not? And no, that is not a typo, it was a couple of years ago that Scott sported a mullet.

From the front:

From the Side:

Dan & Nora, we promise a nice haircut prior to your wedding.
Off to watch Pippi for the gazillionth time today.....