Saturday, April 26, 2008

mash-teen pit

Gracie often asks for a "dance party". We never refuse.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Snuggling at the Nest

Lady Hawk has clearly trained them all well.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Ham Hawks

Yes, Easter was a while back, but I thought I should share some photos/video with you.

The Easter pandemonium started early with Gracie awaking and discovering a trail of candy just outside her room. The Easter Bunny was here & boy was he messy! Almost as messy as Mommy hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

It was very easy for Nora Jane to find her basket with all the excitement. How did the Easter Bunny know that Gracie liked princesses, tea sets, & most of all Ariel? The EB also knew that Nora Jane was just due to start using sippy cups & even got age appropriate cups for her. That EB is so darn practical!

Gracie admires the Princess sippy cups & tea set that the EB brought her.

It was awesome to "host" Easter and not have to lift a finger! The Hawkins clan are quick & organized plus know how to put holiday dinners together in a snap! Nana brought her fabulous ham & dressing, or do you call that stuffing? I'm sure Nana will correct me, but whatever it was, I loved it!

This picture cracked me up. I've seen countless Hawkins photos with everyone with a camera in hand. Maybe Hawkins just have the eye?! BTW, Gracie loved blowing bubbles with her Auntie "Manda". We have had to go to the store several times for BUBBLES since!

Daddy Hawk perched outside with baby hawk and kiddy hawk. Yes, Gracie still will not sit still for a picture. You'll have to come admire her in person if you want to see her!

Happy Easter & Hugs & Kisses from the Hawks!
