Saturday, August 23, 2008

Good times at Los Lynches

Gracie always asks, "when we going to auntie anne uncle scott teaghan maeve's". poor "anyan" isn't old enough to be listed yet.

Here are some photos from Los Lynches backyard paradise:

Here's cousin & my little god daughter Sienna strolling around. Isn't she a doll?

I'm thinking leather & a harley down the road....

Here's Auntie Anne finally making a guest appearance on the hawks nest! Nora Jane definitely doesn't scare her with her fussy antics.

Gracie having fun with Sienna & Skylar in the sandbox...Skylar is always super sweet to baby Gracie.

Nora Jane vs. the Giraffe...

Move aside frenemy Maeve, I got a bigger challenge...notice no smiles here..

Gracie wins and claims the slide for herself..

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