Saturday, December 3, 2011

hawks & santa passing by....

i always say i want to write down special moments on this blog and tonight was one of them. i wasn't able to get my camera out in time for this moment, but maybe sometimes that happens so when you remember it seems bigger and better than what really happened. BUT that is not the case this time because.....

nora jane saw santa AND he definitely saw her. he came down main street in Redwood City during the holiday parade, turned and waved directly at HER. nora jane, the little girl jumping up & down and screaming "SANTA! SANTA! SANTA!" amongst a bunch of other kids, including her sister and 3 cousins. SANTA saw her & she was all smiles. that type of happiness is infectious and i want to bottle it up and shake it on myself whenever i'm caught up in the less important things.

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