Saturday, January 14, 2012

junk mail vs the real thing

Picture 1:

Picture 2:

There's a big difference between what you see in Picture 1 vs Picture 2. Picture 2 is what you would call "Junk Mail". It clogs up my mailbox, clutters the house, and takes up the bulk of the recycle bin EVERY WEEK. Sometimes it even hides Picture 1 type mail. All that & it can make you feel fat! Darn those skinny catalog models! This January I started my Paper Diet with Olivia, one of my colleagues at Manilla(

What does this mean? The first thing I'm doing is seeing what I'm dealing with. I've never actually monitored the mailbox junk volume for over more than a week. I have designated the Cuties box our location for junk mail. Over the next couple weeks I'll see just how fat the "Junk Mail" is making our recycle bin. I'll follow Olivia ( for more tips & tricks on how to be more thoughtful about my paper usage and opportunities to get rid of paper altogether.

Wondering where mail like in Picture 1 goes? That's easy. It gets into the Hawk's Nest and is cherished for as long as it will survive with little grabby fingers on them, and you may even be called out on The Hawk's Nest blog. Thanks to you all for the beautiful holiday cards. I'd also like to make a special shout out to the Koldas - Your envelope did not go unnoticed.

First official mail for The Hawk's Nest. It's about time!

P.S. The Cuties are a tad dry this year, don't you think? I'm such a sucker, I keep buying them anyway.

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