Thursday, June 28, 2012

baby hawk lets it shine

Today was our little Nora Jane's preschool graduation.  She tapped me on the arm this morning in the kitchen and asked me to come to the couch in the living room because she had a secret.

"Momma, I don't want to graduate."

"Oh sweetie, you'll have so much fun with your friends and they'll be so happy to see you because you have been at Summer Camp the past week and a half."

"Will they make me go up on the stage?"

"Yes, they will, but do you not want to?"

Nora Jane shook her head no.

"OK then, let's go see your friends and just watch them graduate and celebrate."

"OK. You make sure they don't take me up on stage."

"Promise baby."

 Nora Jane slowly got ready and we arrived 20 minutes late.  I was trying to get us situated in our seats with my back turned when one of the assistant teachers came over and swooped Nora Jane away.

"Oh no. I'm in big trouble."

But, just like Mama Hawk, my little lively Hawk is very outgoing and friendly after she warms up a bit. She did great. Check out her singing with her preschool friends.

Congrats to the Class of 2012. Here's to doing it again 2029!

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