Saturday, December 26, 2009

gracie turned 4 with chuck

Gracie turned 4 in November. Everyone says it & so will goes by really fast. I remember her snuggling on Daddy's chest to go to sleep just days after coming home from the hospital and it feels like yesterday.

One of my favorite baby pictures of Gracie...

She requested a Chuck E. Cheese's birthday party. I couldn't say no. Thanks to all of you who came. Braving Chuck E's is a true sign of your love.

Here's video entering Chuck's House.....

Here are some not so great pics from the big event, starting with my personal favorite of Gracie not so impressed with Chuck when he fumbles to put her birthday crown on!
and the crowd goes wild.........well not really....
Auntie Annie, Maeve, Anya & cousin Anna looking quite intrigued by Chuck.

Max looking quite impressed with his beautiful mommy Kristen. Max just turned 4 too!
Jim looking a tad apprehensive & Sean, possibly the youngest to meet Chuck E. for the day.

Kai & Eric....get me outta here!

It was all fun & games until I lost baby sister. What a heart attack!

Happy Birthday to you Gracie AKA Kiddy Hawk! Oh how you make our hearts melt every day.
Mommy & Daddy Hawk

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Halloween in Alameda!

Halloween 2009 - Tinkerbell, Snow White, & one dapper dresser!

twick or tweating with daddy
awesome! lollipops!
where'd my loot go?

Saturday, May 30, 2009


We decided to head north when we were short a few days of daycare. We were hard core & road tripped. Phew!

First we stopped in Central Point where one of Bill's dearest old friends, Chris Boivin, lives with his family. He has a beautiful family.

We stayed in their extra room that had a play kitchen. Needless to say, it was tough getting Gracie to bed. Here's Abbey & Juliet sharing their stuff.

After much play at the Boivins, we headed up to Portland to visit the Shoemakers.

Gracie was all smiles. She loved staying in Portland.

After a few days, we headed back down south & stopped one more night at the Boivin house.

Grace & Abbey were BFFs the final day.

It was a beautiful evening & they lit the fire pit & we all had smores.

Nora Jane loved their play house.

We had such a great time. We are so thankful for such great family & friends that welcome us into their homes.


Back during President's weekend we decide it would be fun to head up to Seattle to visit family and friends.

Paul & Tonya met up with us as the Space Needle & there was a neat museum there that we hung out at.

Gracie was in charge of the camera - at least we got a cute shot of Dillon.

Here he is again. Goodness he's a cutie!

We stayed with Kayvaan & Shannon & Toby. They took us to the zoo. This zoo was so awesome! I liked it as much as I like the Oakland Zoo.

Gracie & Mommy.

Nora Jane was all over the zoo....we couldn't keep up with her.

Here we all are hitting the trail...

There's a carousel there too. Nora Jane liked the bear out front.

Daddy took the girls on the carousel. He's the best!
Here's Toby.

We had such a great time. Gracie keeps asking if we are going to Seattle.

Saturday, April 25, 2009


We headed down south to visit Uncle Ed, Auntie Karen, Kevin & Keira not too long ago...oh and to visit "the happiest place on earth" too. Gracie calls it Busynyland land now. We happened to visit during spring break, so I wonder if that has anything to do with it.

Daddy was nice enough to wait in line for almost 2 hours so Gracie could meet the princesses.

Here she is with Cinderella. Grace was entranced until she caught a glimpse of Snow White out of the corner of her eye.

So she went over to Snow White with Keira.

and here's a shot of them with "Belle", well Sleeping Beauty really, but no reason to get technical with a 3 year old.

These princesses were the real deal, so I guess I forgive them for their union requirement of taking breaks every 15 minutes or so.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Hangin' at The Nest

Generally, we don't go anywhere & there is just a few Hawks & an occasional Uncle Tim hangin' at the nest. He's figured out that if he ever wants to see a Hawk, he better come over to The Nest. So to the rest of you that we haven't seen in a while...hint hint......

A sampling of what happens when Daddy & Uncle Tim are in control of the camera

Our family has also figured out that if they want to see us, chances are best if they fly by The Nest as well.

Here's a pic of a lot of Hawks hangin' at The Nest last Thanksgiving....Cheers!

Gracie's Second Birthday Party that "Didn't Count"

Here's the celebration at the Lavelle house with her favorite frenemy & T....

Friday, April 17, 2009

Gracie Turned 3....a while ago!!

Mommy went low key on Gracie's 3rd Birthday. To all the mommies out there, don't do it! Gracie is still asking me when we are going to have her real birthday party. She's 3 & 1/2 now.

Here's a video of Gracie blowing out the candles.

Gracie is 3!!! Note to all parents: 3 is apparently when kids start ignoring you, not 13!


I just had a great epiphany! I realized if I spend less time scattering bits & pieces of my life on Facebook and just focused my efforts on my blog that maybe I'll get caught up.

Here's Halloween & it wouldn't be a proper Halloween without a Sad Pumpkin, now would it?

Best Frenemies Forever hugging on Halloween... and they even traded costumes!
Oh I meant it wouldn't be a proper Halloween without a screaming fairy too......

Friday, April 3, 2009

Sharing Photos

Since it takes forever for me to write something witty, I'm going to just post a bunch of photos to bring us into the New Year. AND, yes, I realize it is April now, but I want to share photos from 2008 that I just haven't had the chance to post.

Uncle Colum's wedding from the kid's view. They "borrowed" my camera...

<--i can just imagine the kids giggling

My favorite photo
ok i to bed for now. i'll post more soon.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Birthday Circuit - Part 2

Oh my, it has been a are the rest of the bday postings that you all have been eagerly awaiting for the past, um, five months...

Amanda is Gracie's dear friend from daycare & now preschool. Anything Amanda likes, Gracie will soon like and we are ok with that because you'll see, Amanda is a cutie.

Grace was a tad apprehensive because Cooper had moved in next to Amanda during cake time.

Cooper & Amanda

Grace a bit concerned about the seating arrangement..

A happy birthday girl with cake.....
A happy Gracie with cake.....

Once presents came around, Gracie moved in for the kill....

well, not really. but wait?! who's birthday was this?
Happy Birthday Amanda!