Saturday, May 30, 2009


Back during President's weekend we decide it would be fun to head up to Seattle to visit family and friends.

Paul & Tonya met up with us as the Space Needle & there was a neat museum there that we hung out at.

Gracie was in charge of the camera - at least we got a cute shot of Dillon.

Here he is again. Goodness he's a cutie!

We stayed with Kayvaan & Shannon & Toby. They took us to the zoo. This zoo was so awesome! I liked it as much as I like the Oakland Zoo.

Gracie & Mommy.

Nora Jane was all over the zoo....we couldn't keep up with her.

Here we all are hitting the trail...

There's a carousel there too. Nora Jane liked the bear out front.

Daddy took the girls on the carousel. He's the best!
Here's Toby.

We had such a great time. Gracie keeps asking if we are going to Seattle.

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