Saturday, April 25, 2009


We headed down south to visit Uncle Ed, Auntie Karen, Kevin & Keira not too long ago...oh and to visit "the happiest place on earth" too. Gracie calls it Busynyland land now. We happened to visit during spring break, so I wonder if that has anything to do with it.

Daddy was nice enough to wait in line for almost 2 hours so Gracie could meet the princesses.

Here she is with Cinderella. Grace was entranced until she caught a glimpse of Snow White out of the corner of her eye.

So she went over to Snow White with Keira.

and here's a shot of them with "Belle", well Sleeping Beauty really, but no reason to get technical with a 3 year old.

These princesses were the real deal, so I guess I forgive them for their union requirement of taking breaks every 15 minutes or so.

1 comment:

Nora Kiewlich said...

auntie nora and uncle dan wuv busynyland.. ;-)